Upward Soccer Coach & Referee Application 2019 Header Image

Upward Coach & Referee Application 2019

Are you a regular attender of a local church?
Date of Birth*
I would like to be a/an: *
Select the age group you prefer to coach*
What is your preferred practice day?*
Do you prefer to coach your child's team?
Please select which Coach's Training Clinic you will attend*
Have you ever coached Upward Soccer?*
Have you made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ?*
Please select an evaluation date which you are available to volunteer at evaluations*
I understand that any negative personal habits (smoking, alcohol, profanity, etc) may have a negative affect on a child's spiritual development. Understanding that the children on my team have been placed under my guidance, I commit to setting a worthy behavioral example for them to look to.*
Today's Date*

Background Check

CBC does request that all Upward Coaches and Referees complete a background check authorization. When you submit your application you will be given the Background Check Authorization to complete.